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He stood frozen in place.
Unsure he had heard what
He had heard, or if he
Dreamt eyes wide open.

The moment passed so
Quickly and her words
Echoed so softly he
Hardly felt the shift in

Mood as he was ushered
Out the door. Later he
Replayed the moment – an
Endless loop of what if?

What if he stayed?
What if they made love?
What if they didn’t?
What if they did and she

Found him clumsy and
Selfish? What if they didn’t
And she found him lacking
In interest or passion?

In truth, he had not shared
A pillow or a bed or his
Heart with anyone in the
Past five years. While

Hungry for her touch, he
He was starving for her
Heart. His last thoughts
Before sleep were of her

Mind. Body. Heart. Of
These three he wanted
Her heart above all else.
When he finally had her

Heart, he knew
Would be no