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I waited until after six
hoping you would call
hoping you would
want to see me.

No big expectations.
Maybe sushi, or a walk
on the beach. some TV
or backgammon.

Nothing big.
Nothing special.
Just two people
spending time

together. In love
genuine affection,
the kind other people
note from afar.

Then reality dawns
and clarity opens my
mind to a truth made
obvious as I sit alone:

If you wanted me
in your life,
I would be there
spending time with you.

If you wanted me
spending time with you
we would be together
even doing nothing.

If you wanted me to
live more in the moment,
we would make
more moments to live in.

If you wanted me as
much as I want you
we would be kissing
and making memories

as we build a scrapbook
of moments and
experiences that can
define our life together.

I know these things
and so do you, so the
only real question is
if you want to spend

time . . . with me.