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Safe Harbor

Just for a moment,
and from a distance,
I thought I found a
safe place to

Park my heart.
A place that knew
the same pain and
hurt that I knew, a

place that knew
that pain and hurt
were not the
same thing.

A place where
words and thoughts
and form had both
meaning and texture.

A place where
the heart is
celebrated and
love consummated

in mind and spirit
long before lips
meet and hungry
touches interrupt.

Just for a moment,
and from a distance,
I thought I found
a safe place to

to park my heart.
A place with the
same imperfections
that define me.

A place looking
to park their heart
in a safe harbor
and take refuge

from the storm.
Just for a moment,
and from a distance,
I thought I saw you.