You were my match.
I wanted to share all the
Sunsets I would ever see
With you. Just you.
I wanted to make coffee
With you and only you.
I wanted to drive with
The top down with
You. Only you. And
I wanted to drink wine
Only with you. To wash
Cars only with you.
I wanted to be questioned
By you. I wanted to see
Your eyes warm to me
As we shared a moment.
I wanted to feel your lips
As we kissed and your
Body as we danced close.
I wanted to hold you naked
As you slept and count
The freckles on your back.
I wanted to count calories
With you and debate
Dinner choices. I wanted to
Sit in silence with you or
Yell at Alexa with you.
I wanted to see every sunrise
And every sunset with you.
I thought you were my match
Until the day you were
No longer there.